Sunday, 5 February 2012

Practise - week ending 05/02/12

My practice has been a lot better this week, we've  been to the playing fields 3 times and done 7 iron block practice. We went to the club for 2 hours Saturday afternoon - I started with chipping to 30 yrds but could seem to get the swing right and it was not very good. We then did some general bunker practise which was okay followed by some pitching which was also okay. We did N,E,S,W putting and I scored 12/16 at  3 foot and 7/12 at 6 foot.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

saturday golf practice with Charile

On Saturday me and my dad went to see Charlie. Soon as we arrived Charlie arrived we then went into the restaurant and sat down and talked about the past month, about when we practice and the different exercises that I can do. Soon after we went to the range and practiced block practice which I didn’t know about at the time. We did that for about 1hour and half then we went to the putting green and practice different distances. Once we had done the practice we went onto the course. The first hole went really bad but it gradually got better and towards the end I got some really long putts, then it came to an end so me and my dad went home.